The Canadian Best Practices Portal for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention
A central component of the Canadian Best Practices System.
Public Health Agency of
The primary goals of the Canadian Best Practices Portal are to:
Develop and disseminate best practices information for chronic disease prevention and control interventions
Provide decision makers with a comprehensive and standardized resource about best practices for chronic disease prevention and control
Create awareness of the overall Canadian Best Practices System through communication and marketing activities targeted to key audience: Decision makers in practice, Decision makers in policy development, Decision makers in research -.
Best Practices Selection Process (Methodology)
Methodology during Phase I focused on developing the following:
1. Criteria - Systematic Reviews
Two categories of criteria were developed for reviewing each of the systematic review sources: (1) screening criteria and (2) criteria for assessing the quality of the process used by the source to complete the systematic review. The source was required to meet each of these criteria, as follows, for inclusion in the Portal.
A. Criteria for screening systematic review sources
Relevant to health promotion and chronic disease prevention
Relevant to population health
Focused on primary and/or secondary level prevention rather than tertiary prevention
Credible and/or valid authority of source
Site content is current
Site is free of commercial influences
B. Criteria for assessing quality of the process used by the source
Can be rated by the Oxman-Guyatt ten-question assessment (1 page, 7Kb,
PDF) of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Additional criteria will be applied for Phase II and III.
2. Criteria for identifying and recommending effective interventions
3. Developing key information fields to summarize evidence for decision making in practice, policy and research
4. Search terms for systematic review and intervention annotations as well as the basis for the Portal search functions
5. Resource review criteria and procedure to ensure relevance of all material included on the Portal (Website text, Suggested Resources, Best Practices Annotation Template)
6. Glossary of terms relevant to best practices for health promotion and chronic disease prevention
Members of the Methodology Working Group guided the developments in response to needs of the Portal Working Group.
Systematic review evidence was a major emphasis for the development of the methodology during Phase I. Systematic review evidence was used to support evidence of effectiveness resulting in three types of best practice resources: systematic reviews, collections of interventions and individual interventions.
What Is a Portal?
A website that aims to be an entry point to the World Wide Web, typically offering a search engine and/or links to useful pages, and possibly news or other services.
Often geared to a specific population or topic.
* * * *
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues. [DD/ KMS Area]
“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.
PAHO/WHO Website:
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