Mapping global health inequalities: challenges and opportunities
Peter Tugwell, Vivian Robinson, and Erin Morris
December 12, 2007 - Center for Global, International and Regional Studies
Mapping Global Inequalities - conference papers University of California - Santa Cruz - USA
Available online at :
PDF [36p.] at:
“…..Health inequalities both between and within countries persist, for almost all diseases and health problems. Between countries, both average life expectancy and child mortality have improved more in the richest countries than the poorest (Marmot 2007). Within countries, progress on redressing health inequalities is uneven, and data are not always available over time. Analysis of 22 countries with available data found that only five of 22 countries reduced health inequalities in childhood mortality across income from 1995 to 2000 (Moser 2005).
Health inequalities are differences in health across population groups defined by socioeconomic, demographic, or geographic factors.
These factors can be summarized using the acronym PROGRESS: Place of residence (urban/rural), Race/ethnicity, Occupation, Gender, Religion, Education, Socioeconomic status, and Social capital/resources …”
Conference PAPERS FROM 2007 |
 | Constantine Boussalis (December 14, 2007) ELECTORAL BARRIERS TO TRADE:Measuring the Effects of Income and Political Participation on Trade Openness |
 | Peter Tugwell, Vivian Robinson, and Erin Morris (December 12, 2007) Mapping global health inequalities: challenges and opportunities |
 | Shawn Dorius and Glenn Firebaugh (December 11, 2007) The Global Gender Regime: Persistence or Decline? |
 | Brian Min (December 11, 2007) Who Gets Public Goods? Using Satellite Imagery to Measure the Distribution of Rural Electrification |
 | Alex Julca (December 10, 2007) International labour migration and reproduction of inequalities: The Latinoamerican Case |
 | Yongbok Jeon (December 10, 2007) Regional Income Inequality in Post-1978 China: A Kaldorian Spatial Econometric Approach |
 | Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan and Arkady V. Gevorkyan (December 9, 2007) Tackling Global Inequality in Labor Migration: Diaspora Mechanism and Migration Development Bank |
 | Ted Schrecker (December 9, 2007) Intra-metropolitan health disparities in Canada: Studying how and why globalization matters, and what to do about it |
 | Lauren Malone (December 9, 2007) Migrants’ Remittances and Investments in Children’s Human Capital: The Role of Asymmetric Preferences in Mexico |
 | D L. Rigby and Sebastien Breau (December 7, 2007) Impacts of Trade on Wage Quality in Los Angeles: Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data |
 | Syed Ali Asjad Naqvi (December 4, 2007) A look at the Spatial Inequality in Pakistan:Case study of District Sargodha |
 | Bonnie Lefkowitz (December 4, 2007) Children Left Behind - How Metropolitan Areas Are Failing America's Children |
 | Jill Timms and Sally Stares (December 4, 2007) Alternative Data for Studying Global Civil Society: Correspondent Networks, Maps and Chronologies |
 | Petrouchka Alexieva (December 4, 2007) Roma Migration Inequalities in Modern Europe |
 | Martin Diewald and Mathias Albert (December 4, 2007) Mapping Global Inequality with World Society Theory and Social Structural Analysis - Can Worlds Meet? |
 | Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Stefano Rosignoli, and Luca Tiberti (December 3, 2007) Globalisation and health: impact pathways and recent evidence |
 | Nancy Birdsall (November 28, 2007) Reflections on the Macro Foundations of the Middle Class in the Developing World |
 | JAMES B. DAVIES, Anthony Shorrocks, Susanna Sandstrom, and EDWARD N. WOLFF (November 28, 2007) The World Distribution of Household Wealth |
 | Devesh Kapur and John McHale (November 27, 2007) International Migration as an Alternative to Development Assistance |
 | Naila Kabeer (November 27, 2007) Marriage, Motherhood and Masculinity in the Global Economy: Reconfigurations of Personal and Economic Life |
 | Cynthia Lloyd (November 27, 2007) Educational Inequalities in the midst of widespread poverty; Diversity across Africa in primary school completion |
 | Adam McKeown (November 27, 2007) Global Migration and Regionalization, 1840-1940 |
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This blog are more relevant to the health ta2007
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