MICRO-DOCUMENTARY COMPETITION: THE FACES OF EXCLUSION Inter-American Development Bank IADB/BID 2008 Website: http://www.iadb.org/res/ipes/2008/informacion.cfm?language=en&parid=2 In an effort to expand traditional social and economic research techniques and recognizing that the use of audiovisual technologies and documentary films is a powerful tool to stimulate reflection on our society, the Inter-American Development Bank invited audiovisual producers from its member countries to present entries in the micro-documentary competition The Faces of Exclusion. CATEGORY 1: LACK OF ACCESS TO BASIC SERVICES CATEGORY 2: LACK OF ACCESS TO INSTITUTIONS CATEGORY 3: LACK OF IDENTITY DOCUMENTS CATEGORY 4: EXCLUSION FROM THE LABOR MARKET CATEGORY 5: SOCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMS AND POLICIES CATEGORY 6: ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL REPRESENTATION CATEGORY 7: SUBSTITUTES FOR THE ESTABLISHED SOCIAL ORDER | |  | Prestes Maia, Bianca Suyama. Brazil Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Winner - Category 1: Lack of Access to Basic Services. Prestes Maia recounts the occupation by homeless families in Sao Paulo of an abandoned building with a large amount of unpaid taxes. The Movimiento de los Sin Techo Centro (Downtown Homeless Movement—MSTC) is a social movement that occupies such buildings to meet the housing needs of thousands of poor families and is continually confronted by the police. | | Micro-documentaries Series "The Faces of Exclusion". View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | Salud en los Matsinguengas del Bajo Urubamba (The Health of the Matsinguengas of the Lower Urubamba River), Henry Pilares Frisancho. Perú Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Honorable Mention - Category 1: Lack of Access to Basic Services. Many indigenous Matsinguenga communities near the Camisea gas pipeline lack basic health services. The sick often have to travel by river on fragile canoes and boats to find a medical center. The documentary illustrates the contradiction between the inhabitants’ lack of access to medical services and the wealth of the place where they live. The income derived from the exploitation of Camisea’s natural gas deposits has been the underlying cause of the accelerated growth that Peru has experienced since mid-2003. The microdocumentary presents a series of testimonials by the residents of the Lower Urubamba area. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | El espejismo de una redención (Illusion of Deliverance), Carlos Andrés Grisales Tabares. Colombia Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Winner - Category 2: Lack of Access to Institutions. El espejismo de una redención is a microdocumentary that tells the story of a child of the streets who lied to the documentary’s producers about his situation. When the filmmaker’s family attempts to reunite him with his family they learn that he has neither a home nor a family, and they finally turn him over to the institutions of the Colombian State. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | Posseiros (Squatters), Caio Chatagnier. Brasil Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Honorable Mention - Category 2: Lack of Access to Institutions. Posseiros tells the story of a family that practices subsistence agriculture on a piece of land passed down from one generation to the next. The owner of that property reasserts his claim to the land, however, and resorts to the legal system to expel the long-time squatters. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | Gaspar, Caio Chatagnier. Brasil Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Winner - Category 3: Lack of Identity Documents. At the age of 78, Gaspar has no identity documents, and none of his previous employers has registered him with the authorities. He consequently has no access to the social security system or to rural pensions. His income is so low that he does not even have enough money to pay for the cost of obtaining his documents. | |
 | Circo urbano ciudad de México (Mexico City Urban Circus), Jalil Rashid Graniel Espinosa. México Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Winner - Category 4: Exclusion from the Labor Market. Circo Urbano shows how the lack of formal employment has created a market for entertainment timed by the traffic lights of Mexico City’s street-corners. In a wide variety of circumstances, the persons portrayed, from children to the elderly, engage in activities that range from lying on broken glass to pantomime. For the people of Mexico City, these images and the film’s subjects are an ever-present aspect of daily life. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | Jorge, Pedro Jiménez. México Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Honorable Mention - Category 4: Exclusion from the Labor Market. When the business where Jorge worked engaged in job cuts, he lost his job and now works as a fire-eater on a corner in Mexico City. After several years he still considers this a temporary job. He is a father who has dreams for his daughters, as well as for his wife and himself. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | Espejos (Mirrors), Lucrecia Mastrangelo. Argentina Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Winner - Category 6: Alternative Systems of Social and Political Representation. Espejos presents the testimony of a group of women who live in a very poor part of the city of Rosario, Argentina. These women’s concern with confronting the afflictions of drugs and domestic violence led them to create the Lola Mora Community Center. Coordinator Nora Rachid describes the center’s activities, along with personal stories of great clarity and hope. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | Vamos pela rua (We March on the Street), Ariana Chediak Roquim. Brazil Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Honorable Mention - Category 6: Alternative Systems of Social and Political Representation. Vamos pela Rua presents a demonstration in Avenida Paulista, in the heart of the city of Sao Paulo, where civil society and related groups unite in favor of the rights of persons with disabilities. The “Passeata em pro de um pais mais accesible” (Ride for a More Accesible Country) demonstration has taken place since 2004 as part of a strategy adopted by the Movimento SuperAção (Super Action Movement) to call society’s attention to this issue. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | La bajadita (The Entrance), Silvia Patricia Arispe Bazán, Nanna Spetz Palomino, Veronica Trelles. Perú Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Winner - Category 7: Substitutes for the Established Social Order. La bajadita presents the life of homeless children and adolescents who live near Capón Street in the District of Lima. The objective is to give them a voice so that they can share their experiences and dreams and as their discussions show, exclusion is a recurring theme in every moment of their lives. In a first sequence the youth answer filmmakers’ questions in the Rimac district, far from their street. In a second sequence, the youth bring the filmmakers to their street, and at that point the youngsters become interviewers as well as subjects. View with: FLV | WMV | |
 | El ceibo, Andrés Esteban Dunayevich. Argentina Date: July 03, 2007 Description: Honorable Mention - Category 7: Substitutes for the Established Social Order. This documentary narrates the experience of El Ceibo, a socio-environmental project based on the recovery and separation of recyclable materials (paper, cardboard, plastic, glass) by the cartoneros of the Palermo neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This project connects recyclers and their neighbors by means of in-person pick-up of recyclable materials separated by type. This project does not only seeks to recover trash; it first attempts to rescue people. View with: FLV | WMV | |
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