Relevantamiento de Planes y Políticas Nacionales de Salud: Resultados e Implicaciones |
Health Policies and Plans - | There is a broad range of national health policy instruments currently being employed in the Americas; their diversity stems from different national political and policy processes in the countries of the Region. This section features official documents supporting national health priorities, goals, and targets; which include: national health policies, strategic health plans, and national consensus agreements on health, among others. As new official health policy documents become available, they will be added to this section. Those engaged in the design, analysis or implementation of health policies will find the material in this section a valuable source of information. |  |  | Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017 Agenda de Salud para las Américas 2008-2017 Agenda de Saúde para as Américas 2008-2017 Programme d'action sanitaire pour les Amériques 2008-2017 This PAHO/WHO position paper builds upon the legacy of Alma Ata and the PHC movement, distills lessons learned from PHC and health reform experiences, and proposes a set of key values, principles, and elements essential for building health systems based on PHC. It postulates that such systems are necessary to tackle the “unfinished health agenda” in the Americas. |  |  | Agenda de Salud de Centroamérica y República Dominicana 2009-2018 |  |  | Antigua and Barbuda (National Business Plan for Health, 2008 - 2010) Antigua and Barbuda : country information |  |  | Argentina (Basis for the Federal Health Plan 2004-2007) (spanish version only) Argentina : country information |  |  | Barbados (Strategic Plan for Health, 2002-2012) Barbados : country information |  |  | Belize - (National Health Agenda 2007-2011) Belize : country information |  |  | Bolivia (Bases del Plan Estratégico de Salud 2006 - 2010) Bolivia : country information |  |  | Brazil (Pactos Pela Saude 2006) (portuguese version only) Brazil : country information |  |  | Canada (Plans and Priorities 2007-2008) Canada : country information |  |  | Chile (Objetivos Sanitarios 2000-2010) Chile : country information |  |  | Colombia (National Public Health Plan 2007-2010) (spanish version only) Colombia (Politica Nacional de Prestacion de Servicios de Salud - 2005) Colombia : country information |  |  | Costa Rica (National Health Policy 2002-2006) (spanish version only) Costa Rica (Plan Estratégico Institucional 2008-2010) Costa Rica : country information |  |  | Cuba (Proyecciones de la Salud Publica para el 2015) Cuba : country information |  |  | Dominica (Good Health: The Best Social Investment, 2002) Dominica : country information |  |  | Dominican Republic (National Strategic Agenda for Health Sector Reform 2005) (spanish version only) Republica Dominicana (Plan Decenal de Salud 2006-2015) Dominican Republic : country information |  |  | Ecuador (Política de Salud y Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos – 2007) Ecuador : country information |  |  | El Salvador (Politica Nacional de Salud 2008) El Salvador : country information |  |  | Grenada (National Strategic Plan for Health, 2007 - 2011) Grenada : country information |  |  | Guatemala - Politicas Nacionales de Salud - Plan Nacional 2008 Guatemala : country information |  |  | Guyana (National Health Plan 2003-2007) Guyana : country information |  |  | Haiti (Strategic Plan for Health Sector Reform – March 2004) Haití (Plan Estratégico para la Reforma de Salud – Marzo 2004) Haiti - Plan Stratégique du Secteur de la Santé pour la Réforme Haiti : country information |  |  | Honduras (Plan Nacional de Salud 2021) Honduras : country information |  |  | Jamaica - (National Health Policy 2006-2015 and Strategic Plan 2006-2010) Jamaica : country information |  |  | México (Programa Nacional de Salud 2007-2012) Mexico (Programa Sectorial de Salud 2007-2012) Mexico : country information |  |  | Nicaragua (National Health Policy 2004-2015) (spanish version only) Nicaragua : country information |  |  | Panamá (Objetivos, Politicas, Lineamientos y Estrategias de Salud 2005-2009) Panama : country information |  |  | Paraguay (Política Nacional de Salud 2005-2008) Paraguay : country information |  |  | Perú (Plan Nacional Concertado de Salud – Julio 2007) Perú (Plan Estrategico Institucional 2008-11) Perú (Plan Estrategico Sectorial Multianual 2008-11) Perú (Ley de Aseguramiento Universal - 2009) Peru : country information |  |  | St.Vincent and the Grenadines (Strategic Plan for Health 2007-2012) San Vincent and the Grenadines : country information |  |  | Suriname (Health Sector Plan 2004-2008) Suriname : country information |  |  | Trinidad & Tobago (Vision 2020 Operational Plan 2007-2010) Trinidad and Tobago : country information |  |  | United States (Strategic Plan 2007-2012) United States (Healthy People 2010) United States : country information |  |  | Venezuela (Proyecto Nacional Simon Bolivar 2007-2013) Venezuela : country information | | Presentación organizada por Área de Sistemas y Servicios de Salud OPS/OMS Martes 28 de Abril 2009 Enlace a PDF file: ENLACE PARA PARTICIPANTES – Via Internet: Lenguaje: Español La documentación nacional recopilada en esta investigación se encuentra disponible (en pdf) URL: Agenda |
| Bienvenida: Pedro Brito Quintana, Gerente de Área, Sistemas y Servicios de Salud. OPS/OMS |
Presentaciones: Rafael E. Flores, Consultor, Área de Sistemas y Servicios de Salud, OPS/OMS Cristina Puentes-Markides, Asesora en Análisis de Políticas, Área de Sistemas y Servicios de Salud, OPS/OMS |
Preguntas y respuestas: Moderador: Juan Manuel Sotelo, Gerente de Área de Relaciones Externas, Movilización de Recursos y Asociaciones OPS/OMS |
Contacto: Cristina Puentes –Markides Asesora en Análisis de Políticas, Área de Sistemas y Servicios de Salud, OPS/OMS (202)974-3218 |
* * *
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