Countdown to 2015 - Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival
World Health Organization and UNICEF 2010
Available online at:
Conference: 2010 Women Deliver/Countdown to 2015
“…….Countdown collects and analyses data from the 68 countries that account for at least 95% of maternal and child deaths. It produces country profiles that present coverage data for a range of key health services, including:
• Contraceptive use.
• Antenatal care.
• Skilled attendance at delivery.
• Postnatal care.
• Child health.
• Financial investments in maternal, newborn and child health.
• Equity of access, health systems and policy.
The 2010 report reviews progress over 2000–2010.
Key findings
The 2010 Countdown Decade Report concludes that achieving MDGs 4 and 5 is still possible by the deadline year 2015, but only a dramatic acceleration of political commitment and financial investment can make it happen.
There is good news. Many countries are making progress, reducing mortality and increasing coverage of effective health interventions at an accelerating pace. But the news is not all good. Many Countdown countries are still off track for achieving MDGs 4 and 5 and are not increasing coverage of key health interventions quickly enough. Countdown countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are especially far behind, although a few have shown improvements.
The vast majority of maternal and child deaths are preventable. But unacceptably large numbers of women, newborns and children are still dying each year in Countdown countries.
Countdown to 2015: Tracking Progress in Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival was founded on a commitment by academics, governments, international agencies, health care professional associations, donors and nongovernmental organizations to work together towards achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5.
Countdown adds value by forging a clear, evidencebased consensus on priority interventions and coverage indicators for maternal, newborn and child health and by providing a mechanism for holding countries and their partners accountable for results. Countdown also addresses MDG 1 (eradicate poverty and hunger), MDG 6 (combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases) and MDG 7 (ensure environmental sustainability).
2010 Report - Downloads | | | |
· Countdown headlines for 2010: saving the lives of the world’s women, newborns and children · About Countdown to 2015 Progress towards Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5
· Causes of maternal and child deaths · Social determinants of maternal, newborn and child health · Coverage along the continuum of care
· The building block framework: health systems and policies to save the lives of women, newborns and children · Equal care for every mother and child · Country spotlight: · Country spotlight: Narrowing gender differentials in Bangladesh Financing for maternal, newborn and child health
· Action now for Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 · Conclusion · Notes · References
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