Challenging orthodoxies: The road ahead for health and human rights
“….Health and Human Rights will include two synergistic sections. The first, entitled “Critical Concepts,” will examine the conceptual foundations of a human rights approach to health through rigorous scholarship. The second, “Health and Human Rights in Practice,” provides a forum to analyze challenges and solutions in implementing rights-based approaches to health. These two rubrics will resist the traditional dichotomy between theory and practice, seeking instead to foster engaged scholarship and reflective activism. In doing so, they will open directions for informed action by and with communities to realize the full spectrum of human rights….”
Table of Contents, Vol 10, No 1 (2008), Health and Human Rights
From the editors Paul Farmer, Alexander Irwin, Evan Lyon, Vivek Maru, Alicia Ely Yamin |
Challenging orthodoxies: The road ahead for health and human rights |
Excluding the poor from accessing biomedical literature: A rights violation that impedes global health |
Critical Concepts
Critical concepts: From the editor Alicia Ely Yamin |
Will we take suffering seriously? Reflections on what applying a human rights framework to health means and why we should care |
What is a human-rights based approach to health and does it matter? |
Heath systems and the right to the highest attainable standard of health |
A human rights approach to quality of life and health: Applications to public health programming Armando De Negri Filho Spanish: |
Health and Human Rights in Practice
Health and human rights in practice: From the editors Evan Lyon, Vivek Maru |
Notes on the rights of a poor woman in a poor country |
“Nationals” and “expatriates”: Challenges of fulfilling “sans frontières” (“without borders”) ideals in international humanitarian action Olga Shevchenko, Renée C. Fox |
From market competition to solidarity? Assessing the prospects of US health care reform plans from a human rights perspective |
The right of children in developing countries to be born and live HIV-free |
* * * *
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