HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the
The Lancet, Volume 372, Number 9635, 26 July 2008
“…..000 people are expected to attend this biennial meeting, which for the first time is being held in Latin America and the
Nearly 2 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean—more than in the
Financing the response to AIDS in low- and middle- income countries: International assistance from
the G8, European Commission and other donor Governments, 2007 (
UNAIDS and Kaiser Family Foundation release new report assessing funding for AIDS by G8 countries and other major donors
UNAIDS 2007 AIDS epidemic update
The 2007 AIDS epidemic update reports on the latest developments in the global AIDS epidemic.
The 2007 edition provides the most recent estimates of the AIDS epidemic and explores new findings and trends in the epidemic’s evolution.
AIDS epidemic update 2007
Regional Summaries - 16 April 2008
Caribbean ( en | fr | es | ru )
Eastern Europe and
Latin America (en | fr | es | ru )
Middle East and North Africa (en | fr | es | ru )
North America, Western and
AIDS 2008 - XVII International AIDS Conference 3-8 August 2008,
* * * *
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