Tuesday, September 18, 2007

[EQ] Mapping the Future of Primary Healthcare Research in Canada

Mapping the Future of Primary Healthcare Research in Canada


A report to the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation - September 2007


C.T. Lamont Primary Health Care Research Centre

Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute University of Ottawa

G Russell, R Geneau, S Johnston, C Liddy, W Hogg, K Hogan


Available online as PDF file [52p.] at:  http://www.chsrf.ca/research_themes/pdf/mapping_future_report_2007_e.pdf


“……Canada is embarking on widespread reform to the organization and delivery of its primary healthcare (PHC) system. These reforms come at a time when there is increasing awareness of the link between quality PHC and important health outcomes. The resulting focus upon PHC brings with it a need to ensure PHC research capacity: the research skills and infrastructure required to answer the core PHC questions confronting policy makers, system managers, healthcare providers and the public.


This report contains specific recommendations designed to map the early steps in a strategy to strengthen the PHC research community in Canada. They call for the development of
a co-ordinating agency,
a research information system,
a strategic funding program and
a tailored approach to knowledge translation…..”



 *      *      *     * 
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ IKM Area] 

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.


PAHO/WHO Website: http://www.paho.org/

EQUITY List - Archives - Join/remove: http://listserv.paho.org/Archives/equidad.html




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[EQ] Social health protection: an ILO strategy towards universal access to health care

Social health protection: an ILO strategy towards universal access to health care.

Draft for consultation

Issues in Social Protection; Discussion Paper 19 International Labour Office, Geneva 2007 ISBN: 978-92-2-1200970...


Available online as PDF file [94p.] at: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/secsoc/downloads/healthpolicy.pdf


“…..Affordability of health care is a key issue in most countries: in high-income countries, increasing costs, financial constraints of public budgets and economic considerations regarding international competitiveness are calling for reforms in social health protection as a political priority. In middle- and low-income countries, ensuring affordable health care is high on the development agenda given the large numbers of people lacking sufficient financial means to access health services: worldwide, more than 100 million people are pushed into poverty every year by the need to pay for health care.

Denied access to medically necessary health care has a significant social and economic impact: aside from effects on health and poverty, the close link between health, labour market and income generation affects economic growth and development. This is due to the fact that healthier workers have higher productivity, and labour supply increases if morbidity and mortality rates are lower.

Universal social health protection ensures that all people in need have effective access to at least essential care and is thus a key mechanism for achieving these objectives. It is designed to alleviate the burden posed by ill health, including death, disability and loss of income. Social health protection coverage also reduces the indirect costs of disease and disability, such as lost years of income due to death, short and long-term disability, care of family members, lower productivity, and hampered education and social development of children due to sickness. It hence plays a significant role in poverty alleviation…..”




1. Introduction

2. What is social health protection?

3. Financing social health protection: The current situation

4. Coverage of social health protection and access to health services

a. ILO concepts and definitions of coverage and access

b. Trends and data on formal social health protection coverage

c. The global access deficit: An attempt to estimate its dimension

d. The global access deficit: Some detailed observations

5. Rationalizing the use of pluralistic financing mechanisms:
An ILO strategy for achieving universal coverage in social health protection

6. Conclusion




 *      *      *     * 
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ IKM Area] 

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.


PAHO/WHO Website: http://www.paho.org/

EQUITY List - Archives - Join/remove: http://listserv.paho.org/Archives/equidad.html





    IMPORTANT: This transmission is for use by the intended recipient and it may contain privileged, proprietary or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient or a person responsible for delivering this transmission to the intended recipient, you may not disclose, copy or distribute this transmission or take any action in reliance on it. If you received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by email to infosec@paho.org, and please dispose of and delete this transmission. Thank you.