Monday, March 8, 2010

[EQ] The State of the Humanitarian System: assessing performance and progress

The State of the Humanitarian System: assessing performance and progress

A pilot study

Paul Harvey, Team Leader; Abby Stoddard; Adele Harmer; Glyn Taylor

Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action, 2009

Available online PDF [76p.] at:

“…..The report aims to provide a system-level mapping and assessment of international humanitarian assistance.
To this end, the report

1)defines key criteria for assessing system performance and progress,
2) assesses the system’s performance over the past two years against these criteria,
3) presents new, previously unavailable descriptive statistics and
4) highlights some new initiatives in policy and practice.


The study was necessarily limited to assessing operational performance of the international humanitarian system rather than taking the measure of beneficiary-level impacts. Focusing on emergencies for which an appeal for international assistance was made and in which international aid agencies were involved, the review examined three main categories of humanitarian actor: the major providers (non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement); the programme conveners/coordinators (the main role of UN humanitarian agencies and offices); and the official donors.


The scope of the mapping exercise was limited to the ‘formal international system’, as time and resource constraints did not adequately allow for a comprehensive survey of national, local and community-based organisations that play such critical roles in relief efforts, or an in-depth examination of the evolving engagement of militaries and the private sector…..”



1.1 Scope and methodology


2.1.1 The international humanitarian footprint

2.1.2 Global humanitarian resources

2.2 NGOs and the Red Cross Movement

2.2.1 INGOs

2.2.2 LNGOs and CBOs

2.2.3 International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

2.3 UN agencies

2.4 Donors


3.1 Coverage/sufficiency

3.1.1 Funding against needs

3.1.2 Access and operational coverage

3.2 Relevance/appropriateness

3.2.1 Needs assessment

3.2.2 Prioritisation of needs and appropriate allocation of resources

3.3 Effectiveness

3.3.1 Preparedness/timeliness

3.3.2 Growing emphasis on DRR

3.3.3 Coordination and partnerships

3.3.4 Monitoring and evaluation

3.3.5 Human resources and organisational capacity

3.4 Connectedness and local capacity building

3.4.1 Accountability and participation

3.5 Efficiency

3.6 Coherence

3.6.1 Are key humanitarian principles, IHL and refugee law being respected?

3.6.2 Is there consistency in objectives and actions for protection and for advancing the crosscutting issues?



4.1 Taking forward the State of the System Review


 *      *     *
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ KMC Area]

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.
PAHO/WHO Website

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[EQ] Spanish: Breast cancer an urgent priority for the health of women in Latin American and Caribbean countries


Tómatelo a pecho

Felicia Knaul Director, Harvard Global Equity Initiative

Assoc. Professor, Harvard Medical School  & Cáncer de mama: Tómatelo a Pecho  & 
Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, Asuntos Int´s y Competitividad y Salud
Editorial:  Aguilar Fontanar, de Grupo Santillana 2009


“….el cáncer de mama es una prioridad apremiante para la salud de las mujeres de América Latina y  el Caribe….

Sitio web:

            Capítulos 1 y 2 – PDF [40p.] gratis en:


El cáncer de mama es hoy una prioridad de salud pública apremiante y, sin embargo prácticamente ignorada. Es la primera causa de mortalidad por cáncer en la mujer adulta de América Latina y el Caribe. A partir de 2006, en México es la primera causa de mortalidad por tumores malignos entre las mujeres y constituye la segunda causa de muerte en la población femenina de 30 a 54 años.

Para responder a este reto para la salud pública y ante la ausencia de información para las mujeres que viven con el cáncer de mama en la región de ALyC,la autora documenta 18 meses de su experiencia de vida con la enfermedad. Narra también la creación en 2008 del programa Cáncer de Mama: Tómatelo a Pecho con el objetivo de promover la investigación, la concientización y las iniciativas de detección temprana de cáncer de mama en América Latina.


En Tómatelo a Pecho, Knaul combina su experiencia como paciente con el conocimiento de una economista dedicada a estudiar e implementar políticas y programas de salud en América Latina. Es así que el texto busca alertar a la vez a las mujeres y a los tomadores de decisiones sobre la necesidad de reconocer y reaccionar ante el desafío que representa la enfermedad para la salud en la región.


 *      *     *
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ KMC Area]

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.
PAHO/WHO Website
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[EQ] Equal rights, equal opportunities: progress for all

Equal rights, equal opportunities: progress for all
International Women's Day - 8 March 2010

WHO World Health organization WHO


The theme for International Women's Day this year: "Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all" re-emphasizes that equal rights and opportunities lead to improved health outcomes for women and girls.

Gender-based discrimination is irrevocably connected to negative health outcomes for women and girls. Its associated poor health outcomes are often compounded by other forms of inequality related to socioeconomic status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or geographical location

While these challenges are imposing, and often encoded in "normalized" ways of living, International Women's Day renews our commitment to denounce violations in human rights and to challenge unequal systems, structures and practices that perpetuate health inequalities across the world.

Gender equality is good for health.

Table of contents

Section 1: The health of women and girls needs legal and political actions

Section 2: Gender-based discrimination limits the attainment of international health and development goals

Section 3: Health inequalities are the result of systemic failures to realize the right to health for all

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
and the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)

Celebration of International Women’s Day,
12 March 2010, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Room A,

PAHO/WHO Headquarters located at 525 23rd Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037


This year’s theme will be Gender Equality in Health: A Right for Adolescents, featuring three winning Best Practices on gender and adolescent’s health from the Americas:


El Salvador: “Reducing maternal and neonatal mortality among youth and adolescents”

Argentina: “Reducing the risks and dangers in reproductive and sexual health in the context of comprehensive care of adolescents”

Brazil: “Programs H and M: Engaging young men and empowering young women to promote gender equity and health”


Dr. Mirta Roses Periago, Director of PAHO/WHO, will introduce and award the three best practices selected from over 71 submissions to a regional contest.


You can learn more about this event at:


The event will be available through webcast at 12 March 2010, from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm WDC Time


 *      *     *
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ KMC Area]

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.
PAHO/WHO Website

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