Friday, June 22, 2012

[EQ] 10 best resources for . . . evidence-informed health policy making

10 best resources for . . . evidence-informed health policy making

Kaelan A Moat 1,2,3* and John N Lavis 2,3,4,5,6

1Health Policy PhD Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2Program in Policy Decision-making, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 3Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 4McMaster Health Forum, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 5Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada and 6Department of Political Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

Health Policy and Planning -June 20, 2012

Published by Oxford University Press in association with The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


PDF at:

“……… linking research to policy requires both a comprehensive understanding of the policy-making process—including the influence of institutions, interests, ideas and external events—and an awareness of a number of established strategic approaches that are available to support the use of relevant research evidence in the formulation of health policies.

To help guide this understanding, a framework has been developed to identify and organize key elements that can help one understand ways to support the use of evidence in the policy-making process (Lavis et al. 2006). These elements are:


·         Climate: how those who fund research, universities, researchers and users of research support or place value on efforts to link research to action;

·         Production of research: how priority setting ensures that users’ needs are identified and how scoping reviews, systematic reviews and single studies are undertaken to address these needs;

·         Push efforts: how strategies are used to support action based on the messages arising from research;

·         Efforts to facilitate user pull: how ‘one stop shopping’ is provided for optimally packaged, high-quality reviews either alone or as part of a national electronic library for health; how these reviews are profiled during ‘teachable moments such as intense media coverage; and how rapid response units meet users’ needs for the best research;

·         User-pull efforts: how users assess their capacity to use research and how structures and processes are changed to support the use of research;

·         Exchange efforts: how deliberative processes and meaningful partnerships between researchers and users help them to jointly ask and answer relevant questions.

This paper employs the elements of the framework to identify and outline the 10 most useful and publicly available resources from a range of diverse sources, and in a variety of formats (a mix of reports and articles, plus a database and listserv), that can help facilitate a better understanding of supporting the use of research evidence in the health policy process.


Although this is by no means intended to serve as an exhaustive or definitive inventory, taken as a whole, each of the included resources provides an excellent way with which to build a comprehensive understanding of the various facets of supporting evidence informed health policy……”




 *      *     *
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ KMC Area]
Washington DC USA

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[EQ] Master Universitario en Salud Publica - Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

Máster Universitario en Salud Pública (UPF - UAB), edición 2012-14

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona  - España


El MSP es un programa internacional de formación de profesionales en salud pública


Dirigid a todos aquellos profesionales que deseen obtener una formación y capacitación para el desempeño de las funciones de la Salud Pública en cualquiera de sus ámbitos.

El objetivo general del programa es que los estudiantes alcancen las competencias necesarias para afrontar los problemas de salud y sus determinantes desde la perspectiva de la población y para promover y restaurar la salud de las personas mediante acciones colectivas y de la provisión de servicios de protección y promoción de la salud.

Estas competencias generales incluyen las siguientes actividades de la salud pública:

*       Identificar las necesidades de salud de la población.

*       Desarrollar políticas de salud y respuestas sociales para mantener, proteger y promover la salud.

*       Garantizar la prestación de servicios sanitarios.

*       Alcanzar el conocimiento básico para poder llevar a cabo investigación epidemiológica y en salud pública. 


El máster en Salud Pública ofrece a los alumnos la posibilidad de optar a una serie de becas propias, entre las que destacan las que ofrece la Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona, un máximo de 4 becas, y el Consorcio Hospitalario de Cataluña (hasta 3 becas). Estas becas cubren entre un 50% y un 100% de la matrícula del máster.

Contacto: Secretaría del MSP:  (Tel. 93 316 35 07/ 07 46)

Carme Borrell
Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona



 *      *     *
This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ KMC Area]
Washington DC USA

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.
PAHO/WHO Website
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